Huhuhu...aku kena marah arini...actually bukan dari bos aku pun...dari orang luar. Huhuhu...bukan salah aku sorang pun...semua yang ada kat sini perlu bertanggungjawab jugak.
Ceritanya camni, besok bos aku ada saku kes nak deliver judgement. Parties had request to put in written submissions. So they need to send to us on or before end of March. So okaylah. Tadi my bos pun mintalah written submission tu. AKu dengan member pun kelam-kabutlah pegi cari. Hendak dijadikan cerita, kami cuma jumpa written submission and reply from the defendant only... there's no written submission from the plaintiff's counsel at all...So member aku pun ambik inisiatif call ke pejabat dia. Dan dimaklumkan dia telah pun menghantar by hand ke tempat kami. Huhuhu...masalah besar ni...
According to them, benda tu dah di submit on 2nd of April lagi...with acknowledgement from my office. Whuaa...that day pula kebetulan our secretary on medical leave. So yang terima dokumen to one of our staff, of course not me because i've got case during that time...the problem now, that document has been misplaced...we already tried to located everywhere even in my boss bags, but we couldn't find it.
So, that's our big problem now. Nak dijadikan cerita after my friend call opis orang tu, and after a few minutes still no reply from them, i called them back. Of courselah i'm spoke in a polite manner...our salah okaylah. But then. a few minutes after that their boss called me back. He shout at me la...say this and that, saying that we always keep the things missing and all that...
Alahai, maaflah, bukan kita sengaja. One more thing, kita sangat jarang misplace sesuatu dokumen tau. Yang sedihnya, saya sudah minta maaf berkali-kali, tapi still dia marahkan saya dengan suara yang kuat. Huhuhu sedihnya...apasal aku yang kena marah kalau dokumen tu aku pun tak pernah tengok?
After that, his boy come to my office to double confirmed that they already sent the documents to us. Yes i agreed but we cannot find it. So what i do, instead of he had to come again to replace the documents, why not he just email me...i will print it from my printer here...
So to whoever involved in this trouble that we created (our office), i'm so so greatly apologise. Will make sure this thing will not happen again...hope so...
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